I started breastfeeding for the reasons of the head but continued for the heart

"Breastfeeding is the most precious gift
a mother can give her infant.
When there is illness or malnutrition,
it may be a lifesaving gift;
when there is poverty,
it may be the only gift"
Ruth Lawrence

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Breastfeeding Its ok

I truly believe breastfeeding is one of the specialist parts of motherhood. I am very thankful to Lavawn for being such a blessing because she helped me overcome my fear and successfully breastfeed my son. I nursed my daughter, who is now almost years old. She seemed to take to it, but truly it was a rough start as I cried each time due to immense pain, cracked and bleeding nipples. I almost quit because I thought something must be wrong. I stumbled across an on-line community of breastfeeding mothers who encouraged me to stay the course and assured this was likely due to incorrect latch. Renewed with hope, I used ointment to help heal me and learned to correct my daughters latch. Within weeks, we were successfully nursing pain free and I cherish those sweet memories. By the way, as a newborn she had some tummy issues and our pediatrician told us to switch to formula. How unfortunate it is that even doctors remain uniformed about breastfeeding and offer little support in many cases. We switched pediatricians the next day!
Around 5 months old, I noticed a drop in my milk, possibly due to pumping and to a medication I had taken. I was advised to supplement. I trusted my pediatrician because I was so worried my daughter was not getting enough nutrition. I now know that was the kiss of death to our nursing. Over the course of the next fewer months, my supply continued to lessen and by 10 months, I had no milk left at all and she finished her first year on formula. I cried my eyes out, but Lavawn has helped me see that I should be proud of all that I did give her.
With my son, who is now 6 months old and still going strong, I had a fear of running out of milk. In fact, I was convinced that I did not have enough milk. When my son had nursing issues, I went to see Lavawn with my fears. Turns out, I had oversupply! See how our fears can really get to us? He was being choked for the downpour, hence the fussiness, and the abundance of foremilk caused gassy tummy aches, poor baby. I learned techniques and positions to help with this, and nursing become much easier for the two of us. Lavawn provided me with tips for pumping, tips to get my milk back up after a dip (such as when I was sick, or now before my menstrual cycle starts each month), so it has helped me not worry as much that I will lose my supply again. I pray that this baby gets nothing but breast milk, but if he doesn’t, I cherish this experience and am proud of what we accomplished together thus far.
It amazes me how many people in society do not support breastfeeding, who would have us hidden away in bathrooms to nurse if we must. That is why women like Lavawn are so important. She educates us and supports us; she helps us nourish our babies. To bond with my baby in such a natural way while providing such unmatched health benefits is incredible! I am forever grateful and will do my best to pay it forward.

P.S. I wrote this weeks ago, but of course lost the email to send it to, so I just got off the phone with Lavawn. I had a question, too, about changes ion my let down and in my sons nursing habits. Lavawn had lots of helpful, wonderful advice, but best of all, she told me “First of all, it’s ok.” My heart felt lighter immediately. I wonder if she knows how much those simple words mean to a mom just trying to do her best. It’s ok, mom, you and baby are ok. Sometimes, we all just need to hear this.

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