I started breastfeeding for the reasons of the head but continued for the heart

"Breastfeeding is the most precious gift
a mother can give her infant.
When there is illness or malnutrition,
it may be a lifesaving gift;
when there is poverty,
it may be the only gift"
Ruth Lawrence

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Breastfeeding Struggle to Triumph !

·                                 My Blissfulbabies Blog...
Hi Lavawn! Sorry this has taken me so long to finally get to you. Here is my story for your blogspot.

From Struggle to Triumph!

I gave birth to my third child, a little girl, on January 17, 2011 and that is when my REAL journey with breastfeeding begins. I chose to bottle feed my first born, a son. I THOUGHT that I would or should I say could nurse my second born, daughter. WRONG! Many nursing moms talk about how much easier breastfeeding is, how it is such a bonding experience and many more pluses. That’s why I was certain that I was going to give it a shot. I got ready for baby by buying all the baby things you need... including bottles- just in case. Then on September 14, 2007 Miley was born into this world. I had all the help with nursing while in the hospital... However, I feel I made my first mistake by allowing the nursery to supplement her with formula by bottle before Miley and I had even given nursing a full chance. When I went home 2 days later, like most, we had LOTS of visitors. This being my second child, I felt like I should have "just known" how to breastfeed my baby and not be shy about it. That was my second and probably my biggest mistake. Breastfeeding is a learning experience for BOTH mommy and baby. I was not feeding every 1-3 hours because I was too shy to excuse myself from a room full of company nor had I figured out how to manage a wiggly, screaming newborn while trying to throw a blanket over my shoulder AND get her to latch on now blinded by the blanket in that same room full of people...those bottles I had bought for those "just in case" times now were put to use. Within 2 weeks I decided that I should contact the Lactation Consultant at the hospital and hopefully she could help Miley and I get this whole breastfeeding thing down pact. 3 months later and numerous drives out to visit with her, herbal supplements, pumping and about 5 different methods of trying to get a now mostly bottle-fed baby to nurse ultimately had failed. I was sad about this. I felt I was robbed of the bonding experience, which I passed up on with my first-born, was now taken from me with my second-born because I was too shy and not determined to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

When I found out that I was pregnant with my 3rd, bottles were NOT an option... I didn't even buy them for a "just in case" moment... there weren’t going to be any of those. January 17, 2011 my third born, Kynlie, was welcomed into this world and she nursed like a pro IN A ROOM FULL of family and I could care less this time if anyone was offended. This was MY moment with MY baby and WE were BONDING!! Things I thought were going PERFECT in the hospital. Kynlie was teaching me what I thought I knew about breast-feeding. She was nursing every 1-2 hours and latched on for 15-30 min each side. She was having wet and dirty diapers. All was fine in my mind- or I thought. Two days later, her pediatrician came in and asked that I bring her back for a weight check in 5 days, she had went from 7#10 down to 7#4. We went home, she and I continued to figure out breastfeeding together, with or without people around. Day 5 came and we were going in for our weight check. She was now 6#14 and Dr. wasn’t happy about it at all. I was told that I HAD to give her formula. "Some moms just CANT breastfeed". I was devastated. Tears rolling down my face I looked at my husband and said "I'm a failure, I can’t give her the best... what’s wrong with me!?" That’s when instead of pulling into the store to buy formula and bottles... I decided that I WAS NOT giving up. My OB/GYN had mentioned that I needed to speak with Lavawn before I delivered after she heard what had happened with my first experience and I honestly just never got around to it. Well, I was going to meet her and I needed it to be ASAP. In fact, she got us in that day. I thought sore nipples and skin break down were normal for just starting to nurse- WRONG. Kynlie had been latching on wrong, my body wasn’t producing enough milk from the beginning and we needed to fix this. Lavawn had given us lots of information. Nursing, pumping, supplementation with formula- not from a bottle, herbal supplements.... and after about 1 month of meeting with her 1-2 a week, Kynlie was 1 pound heavier than her birth weight and all was going GREAT!!! I will say that I do need to take More Milk Plus capsules every now and again still, but I have a 14#12oz 4 month old strictly BREAST-FED baby and I can now say the bond between her and I is priceless. Knowing that I am still nourishing her, that I am giving her the best, the look on her face when she looks up at me and gives me a BIG MILKY smile is indescribable. It makes my heart melt each time. I have gotten over my fear of nursing in front of people... in fact, I nurse ANYWHRE! We have mastered the blanket over the shoulder, and baby latching on. Nursing Kynlie has been amazing. I don’t frown on bottle/formula fed babies... to each their own. I don’t regret choosing that for my first-born... I do regret not trying harder with my second-born... but the triumph from SUCCESSFULLY BREAST-FEEDING my third-born is breath taking. I owe this feeling to Lavawn, Kynlie and I would'nt be a success story without her help. If you’re determined, listen to Lavawn she will do all she can to help make YOU yet another success story. GOOD LUCK! :-)

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